Monday, September 30, 2013

The River Church Update


It was great to be with the Church! For the first time since the flood, the congregation of The River (better known as the River family!) met together, under one roof, for worship.  What a time we had! 

We didn't take the greatest pictures, but they catch the excitement!

"You are God in what seems like happenstance,
 You are God in every circumstance. 
 You are God when we fall and God when we stand,
 You are God who holds us in your hand…"

The combined voices of our people, many of whom are reeling after suffering heavy losses, rose together in praise, as God's Holy Spirit moved among us.  The flood waters have severely damaged our newly purchased building and have transformed the church property from a beautiful, green, peaceful place into a wasteland of mud.  But the "Church" is strong and well, united by the power of Jesus. 

There is much excitement as we face this opportunity for an "Acts 29" experience, a time when we see God's mighty hand at work among us.  It will be hard for me to keep everyone informed about all the miracles we are seeing day by day, but I'm going to try.  And one of the miracles we heard about this morning in worship was about how God provided a home where we can all gather for worship.  And now is the time for us to worship together.  Let's wrap our arms around one another as we face the challenges ahead. 

Now is also the time to invite neighbors, many of whom are struggling with the same heavy losses, but without the comfort, peace and security that comes with a relationship with God.  As we reach out to the community, let's do so with open arms and invite them to be part of our family at The River, and part of His family forever!

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